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This is a resource for anyone researching the history of the Lindsay family, originally from County Cavan, Ireland, who emigrated to Southern Ontario, Canada. 

These families set out on their trans-Atlantic journey never having seen the sea. They spent six weeks in what was little more than a wooden bath tub. When they arrived, transport was probably on foot. They endured the many perils of the time: hot summers and very cold winters; in April/May the plague of Black Flies, and Mosquitoes all year round. They risked malaria and Dengue fever. And they mostly survived! 

Long ago, my uncle Fred Lyndsay, gathered names, dates and other details in southern Ontario and parts of the states in the 1950s and 60s. 


So any Lindsays Nesbits and Newells who are searching for their family roots they may find his notes (below) interesting.

Lindsay Family History, Cootehill

The wider Lindsay families included the following names, some by marriage:

• Armstrong

• Clark

• Crawford

• Eaton

• Geno

• Hartley

• Kinzey

• Lindsay

• Martin

• McMillen

• Papaneau

• Tyrrell

• Wright (“Yankee”)

• Wallace

My mom, looking happy with one of her charges.

Mom was for many years a Foster Mom. Mom’s brother Uncle Fred was the one who started all this. 

Click the PDF symbol to download the information.

You can also read it below.

My contact details are: Paul Matthews

Image by Henrique Craveiro

News, New Discoveries and Thoughts

History of the Lindsay Family

In compiling the following information regarding the History of the Lindsay families from Cootehill., County Cavan, Ireland, and their travels in crossing the Ocean and living in Bytown, Lower Canada, and then moving to the Township of Malahide, the County of Elgin in 1841, the details of this research were given to me by many branches of the family living in the Aylmer district and throughout the State of Michigan and some as far away as the States of Dakota, Washington, and California.

There is no doubt that there may be some errors in some of the dates of this History, but it checked very closely with dates on tombstones in many cemeteries in Malahide Township and in the State of Michigan where they were settled. At the present time the fourth and fifth generations are grown up and married, and there are hundreds of descendants of these old families. There were three or four groups commonly referred to as the Lindsays, Newells, and Nesbitts.

In setting up this History, the writer felt that all he could do was to set a basis that the younger generations could use. As there are so many groups living today, it would be impossible to go beyond the first and second generation of these people.

The writer of this note is Fred Lindsay, 78 Windermere Crescent, Woodstock, Ontario, Canada, and is the only living grandson of John and Martha Martin Lindsay. W. G. Lindsay, who was the son of Martha Martin and John Lindsay, was born in 1840 in Bytown was married three times, and the writer of this note was the oldest of the third family and happened to be the only one living who remembered meeting some of the old original settlers on the 9th concession of Malahide township. 

Lindsay History

A man by the name of John Lindsay was settled at Coote-hill. He married a girl by the name of Martha Wallace, who was born in Aberdeen, Scotland. They were employed as tenant laborers of what was known as the at Cootehill, County Cavan, Ireland.

They had a family of 8 children, 4 boys and 4 girls. The boys' names were: Tom Lindsay, John Lindsay, James Lindsay and William Lindsay. The girls names were: Hannah, Mary Ann, Phebe and Jane Lindsay.

All of these children were born at Cootehill. It is not known where John Sr. originated from. He may have been born in Scotland and crossed to Ireland where he married Martha Wallace. It also is not known how many of their 8 children were married in Ireland. It is known that Tom Lindsay oldest boy, was married in Ireland to Catherine Armstrong, and they had 2 girls born in Ireland.

It is also known that John Lindsay II Jr. born 1804, was married in Ireland to Martha Martin. She was born in Gibraltar in 1807, a daughter of Samuel Martin who was stationed in Gibraltar in the British army at that time. The Martin family were natives of Dublin, Ireland.

John Lindsay II and Martha Martin had 3 children born in Ireland. Their names were Jane Lindsay, Margaret Lindsay and Charles Lindsay. Jane Lindsay was born about 1826, Margaret Lindsay about° 1828 and Charles Lindsay, Jr. 1831. Sometime between the birth of Charles Lindsay and their next child, the Lindsays crossed the ocean in a sailboat with these children in their arms. They were 6 weeks on the Atlantic Ocean. It is not known for sure where they landed but it is believed they landed in Quebec, Canada, and went to Bytown where they lived for 8 years.

It is known that William Lindsay, who was single, crossed first - and alone - and he probably made arrangements for the rest of the family to follow. It is also known that John Lindsay I, then probably getting on in age, and his wife - Martha Wallace - followed the family, but may not have crossed at the same time. It is known that John Lindsay I was very sick on the way and some say that he died on the Ocean.


But it is believed that he survived the trip and died 6 weeks after he arrived in Bytown (now called Ottawa, The writer was told that he was buried in the rock and stone at Bytown, and that his wife - Martha Wallace - lived for some years and was still with the family when they arrived in Malabide Township. It has also been suggested that Martha Wallace Lindsay insisted that the family immigrate to America and establish new homes, because of the very poor conditions that existed in the old land. She apparently was a Scotch woman and very industrious, and many branches of the family may have benefited from her in the next two or three generations.

After they moved to Malahide Township, she still kept house for her son, Willian, until he married. When she passed away, she was buried in what was known as the Humphrey-Johnson cemetery. Later this cemetery was abandoned and William Lindsay removed her body and had her buried, the writer was told, in a Church of England cemetery, as the Lindsays belonged to Church of England in the old country. It might be suggested that Trinity Cemetery might have been established by this time, and as the name Trinity is English, the Lindsays had perhaps purchased plots in that cemetery.

She may have been buried by her oldest son, Tom Lindsay. John Lindsay II and Martha Martin Lindsay were both buried in Trinity. Tom Lindsay and Catherine Armstrong  were also buried in Trinity Cemetery, 8th Concession of Malahide Township. William Lindsay and his wife, Catherine Laton, were both buried at Aylmer in Aylmer Cemetery.

It is known that Hannah Lindsay was twice married and married her first husband in Ireland, whose name was Mr. Geno; and they had 2 children - names were David and Matilda. Her second husband was Robert Newell. She was married to her second husband, Robert Newell, while she was still in Ireland in 1829. The writer believes that the Newell and Lindsay families arrived in Bytown, Lower Canada, in separate groups.

It is not known whether Phebe Lindsay, who married James Armstrong, was married in Ireland or Bytown. It is also not known whether Mary Ann Lindsay and her husband, William Crawford, were married in Ireland or Bytown, Lower Canada. It is known that Jane Lindsay married James Newell Jr., a brother to Robert Newell, who was married to Hannah Lindsay, and that she was married in Hull, Quebec. He crossed the river from Bytown, Lower Canada.

James Lindsay had some misunderstanding with the family. It is not known whether he was married or single, but he left the family in Bytown and was never heard of afterwards, although some of the family in later years tried very hard to trace him.

William Lindsay remained single all the years he lived in Lower Canada and was still single when the families moved to Malahide Township. After he arrived in Malahide Township, he married Catherine Baton, whom it is believed was also from Bytown and probably knew William Lindsay in Lower Canada. Her mother was a widow and married a man by the name of McMillen and she was raised by the McMillen family. The McMillen family moved from Lower Canada to 

Avon, near Springfield, about the same time as the Lindsay families came to Maladhide Township.

In 1840 three members of the families that were living in Bytown, namely: William Lindsay, William Nesbitt and

Halanide Iornship and took 2 1of tor each nemter of the family. It is also believed that William Lindsay and James Newell, Jr. returned to Bytown afoot and that William Nesbitt remained in the district, and that all of the Lindsays and the Newells and the Crawfords and the Arm strongs, and two Nesbitt boys, arrived in Malahide Township in the late Spring of 1841 to claim their lots, which they settled on. It is also known that a man by the name of John Nesbitt, Sr. crossed the Ocean and settled in Bytown in 1823 and had a family of 14 boys, and it is believed that 2 of these boys - William and Joseph - joined the Lindsays and Newells and came to Malahide Township.

It is not known for sure whether Joe Nesbitt was already married to Martha Newell or whether they were married after they arrived in Malahide Township. But it is known that William Nesbitt was still single and married Betsy Lindsay (daughter of Tom Lindsay) shortly after the family settled in Malahide Township. All of these families drew lots of 100 acres apiece and got Crown Deeds in the Township of Malahide. These deeds were not issued until nearly 20 years after they had done certain clearance duties and established themselves in the Community. In the old settlement, John Lindsay had 100 acres of land, Tom Lindsay had 100 acres of land, William Lindsay had 100 acres and Jane Newell Lindsay had 100 acres of land. William Crawford and his wife had probably 50 acres of land, and James Armstrong had 50 acres of land close to Springfield. Hannah Lindsay and her husband, Robert Newell, were unable to get  a lot in the old settlement, and drew a lot at Crampton, north of Springfield. Also William Nesbitt drew a lot of 100 acres. Joe Nesbitt drew a lot of 100 acres in the old settlement in the swamp, but decided not to settle on it, and drew a second lot near the village of the Springfield line where he lived the rest of his life. His wife was Martha Newell.

While the Lindsays were still in Bytown living in shantys, they were employed by a man named Filion Wright, a Connecticut Yankee who walked up the ice on the Ottawa river in the middle of the winter in the year of 1800 and received from the government 1,000 acres of Timber Limits on the Hull side of the river across fron Bytown. He hired these Irish famalies to cut the logs and pile them up along the river. Then each Spring he rolled them into the river and floated them to Quebec City where he sold. them to the Shipping Companies. This provided permanent employment for this whole family where they were located in Bytown, Lower Canada.

While the Lindsays were still in Bytown, it is not known how many children were born there in some families, but John Lindsay II and his wife, Martha Martin, had 4 children born in Bytown (note: 3 previous ones were born in Ireland). Their names were Mariah Lindsay, born 1834, the first child born to John and Martha Lindsay in Canada; Elizabeth Lindsay, the next one born, in 1836; Ann Lindsay born in 1839 and William George Lindsay, born October 31, 1840. When he was 6 weeks' old, John and Martha Lindsay had a fire and burned out. John Lindsay took the children and his wife, Martha, and covered them up in straw in a shed with a few blankets he saved from the house. Martha Lindsay, his wife, took a chill from the fire, but he had saved a bottle of whiskey and sat down beside her and did not go to sleep. Every little while he gave her a swallow  of whiskey through the entire night, at the same time telling her, "Martha, you must not leave me," and the next morning she was better and their worries were over.

The next Spring, 1841, all of the Lindsays, Newells and Nesbitts, arrived in Malahide Township, coming by boat up the Great Lakes, where they lived the rest of their lives.

John and Martha Lindsay had 4 more children, born in Malahide Township: James Lindsay, born 1842; John Lindsay III, 1844; Samuel Lindsay, 1847, and Robert Henry Lindsay, 1850. All of them lived and grew up and married. John and Martha Lindsay did not lose any of their family. John Lindsay died in 1874 and is buried in Trinity Cemetery on the 8th Concession in Malahide Township. His wife, Martha Martin Lindsay, lived 10 years after her husband died. She was a singer and had a beautiful voice, and did a lot of entertaining among the old families. One of the great treats, they said, was to get Aunt Mattie to sing for them all. She was also a friend to all of them and it was common knowledge that any place she might happen to be was her home, and she could stay as long as she liked. All she had to do was hang up her hat. When she was getting to be quite an old lady and some of her children were married and gone, she put a pillow on the buckboard of a wagon and rode to Emmett Michigan with her oldest son, and also visited some of her other children in that area.


John and Martha had a family of 8 children. Their names were: Tom, John, James, William, Hanna, Mary Inn,.

Phebbie and Jane.


Tom married Catherine Armstrong. John Married Martha Martin. William married Catherine Baton. Hanna married Mr.

Geno and later Robert Newell. Mary Ann married William Crawford. Phebbie married James Armstrong and Jane married James Newell Jr.


Tom and Catherine Armstrong Lindsay had a family of 8 children. Their names were: Thomas, John, Charles and William Lindsay. The girls were: Matilda, Mary Inn, Betsy, and Margaret Jane Lindsay.

Tom married Eliza McGuigen. John married Margaret Staley. Charles married Eliza Kilmer. William married Rosanna Kilmer.

Matilda married Reuben Strong. Mary Ann married John McKinney. Betsy married William Nesbitt. Margaret married Joseph McGuigen.



William and Catherine Eaton Lindsay had a family of 9 children. Their names were: John, James, Samuel, George, Harriett, Martha, Maggie, Rebecca, and Eliza Lindsay.


John Lindsay married Margaret Allen. After her death he married again - name unknown. James married Jane Crothers. Samuel died young. Harriett married David Moor. Martha married Isaac Conner. Maggie married James Conner. Rebecca married Frank Emmerson. George married Elva Wooley. Eliza married Mr. Burns.


James Newell, Jr. and Jane Lindsay Newell had a family of 9 children. Their names were: George, James, John, Robert, Joe, Wallace, Tom, Charles, and Martha Newell.

Note: James Newell, Sr. and his wife died before Trinity Cemetery was established. They were buried in the Burdick Cemetery on Talbot St., East of Aylmer, and also Jane Lindsay and her husband, James Newell, Jr., were buried in the same plot in the Burdick Cemetery).


Phebbie Lindsay and her husband, James Armstrong, had a crown deed of land on the edge of Springfield. This branch of the family disappeared and no one has any information as to where they located when they left the Springfield area.


William Crawford and his wife, Mary Ann, had 2 boys. This branch of the family moved away and no one has any information as to where they went when they left the Springfield area. It is believed they went to westsrn Canada. (Note: William Crawford and his wife, Mary Ann, were buried in Trinity Cemetery, 8th Concession of Malahide Township.)


John and Martha Martin Lindsay had a family of 11 children. Their names were: Charles, born 1831; Jane, born 1826, Margaret, born 1828. These 3 were born in  Ireland. Moriah, born 1834, Elizabeth, born 1836; Ann, born 1839, William Georga, born October 31, 1840. These 4 were born in Bytown, Lower Canada. James, born 1842, John, born 1844, Samuel, born 1847, Robert Henry, born 1850. These 4 were born in Malahide Township.

Jane married Joseph Nelson. Margaret married Daniel Zimmerman and later Mr. Coxwell. Charles married (unknown) and later Elmira Hartley. Moriah married Alanzo Morse. Elizabeth married Robert Tyrrell. Ann married John Kinsey.

William George married Sarah Clark and later Maude Best, and later Elizabeth Pappineal. James married Mary Palmer. John married Eliza Dunklee. Samuel married Lorinda Foster. Robert Henry married Mandy McKinney and later Jane Topping.


He disappeared in Bytown. It is not known whether he was married or not.


Hanna and Mr. Geno had a family of 2 children, David and Matilda. Hanna later married Robert Newell and had a family of 2 boys...names unknown. (This is all the family of John and Martha Wallace Lindsay).

BETSY (daughter of Tom Lindsay) AND WILLIAM NESBITT

William and Betsy Nesbitt had a family of 9 children. Their names were: Esther Margaret, Catherine, William, Ellen Ann, Thomas, John Robert, Samuel, Betsy, and Joseph. Esther Margaret married Solomon Moor. Catherine married Alex Moor. William married Mary Mills. Ellen Ann married Allen Moor. Thomas married Lovisa Foster. John Robert  married Alma Chrysler and later Elberta Laur. Samuel married Eliza Laur. Betsy married Benjamin Foster. Joseph married Voldona Newell and later he remarried... name unknown.


JANE (daughter of John Lindsay II) AND JOSEPH NELSON:

Jane Lindsay was born 1826 in Cootehill. She married Jossph Nolson in Canada and part of their family may have boon born in Canada. They moved to Michigan and lived in Greonwood Township, Sinclair County near whero Yale, Michigan is now. She died in the woods in Greenwood Township when her 16th child was born, and was buried in the Lett Cemetery. I understand this is an old old cemetory in that Township. Nino of her children grew up and were married. Their names were: Arthur, Byron, Martha, Emma, Lowis, Maggie, Mary, Frank, and Eloanor. All of these people lived in different parts of the States and are all deceased, but many grandchildren are still alive in different parts of the United States. One daughter lived in Rochester, Michigan - Mrs. Albert Lamptree, 336 Parkway. There are some grandchildren in different parts of the State of Michigan.

MARGARET (daughter of John Lindsay II) AND DANIEL ZIMMERMAN:

Margaret Lindsay was born in 1828. She married Daniel Zimmerman. They had a family of 1 girl and 4 or 5 boys and lived at Springfield. The names of those were: Charles, Mary Jane, Danic, and Sic. Ill of the children were born in Springfield after the death of her husband, Daniel, who died with cancer of the throat, she took her family and moved to Michigan. She lived somewhere around  Grand Ledge and Charlotte, Michigan. She is buried in a cometory at Eureka, Michigan in a plot owned by her son, Charles Zimmerman. Ifter she moved to Michigan and her family were grown up, she married a second time to a Mr. Coxwell and had one daughter who in later yoars was still living, but blind, some place in the State of Ohio. All of this family is deceased. At least one grand-daughter, Mrs. Rumington, lives at Gull Lake, Michigan.


Charles Lindsay was born in 1831 at Cootehill, County Cavan, Ireland. When he was about 19 years old, he drove a horse and wagon to Blayne, Michigan from Springfield, Ontario, and traded his horse and wagon to a man at Blayne, Michigan for 40 acres of land. He cleared 10 acres and built a log house and barn, only to find out that the man he traded with never owned the property, and he had to move off and 1cave all his work behind him. He then settled on 00 acres of land at Emmett, Michigan where he lived the rist of his life. He was twice married, had one daughter by his first wife whose name is unknown to the writer. His second wife's name is Elmera Hartley and they had 2 sons and 3 daughters: John, George, Marilla, Viny and Annie. All of this family is deceased but many of the grandchildren live in the State of Michigan.

(Note: Charles Lindsay, the head of the family, was the first Linasay to go to Michigan from the Springfield District, probably about the yoar 1850. He died 1896 and was buried in Ruby Cemetery near Emmett, Michigan).

MARIAH (daughter of John Lindsay II) AND ALONZA MORSE:

Mariah Lindsay was the first one born in Canada and was born in Bytown, Lower Canada. She came with the rest  of the families as a small girl to Malahide Township and later married Alonza Morse. They had 7 children: Lorenzo, Mariah, John, Martha, Oristus, Emma and Leddie. It is not known what year she moved to Michigan but she was living there when the American Civil War broke out and her husband was drafted in the American Civil War, and he died in Kentucky with Black Measles, 1065. After her family were grown up and married, she married a second time to Mr. Godmark. They had no children. She is buried in Lincoln Cemetery near Mt. Pleasant, Michigan. There is no doubt some of her grandchildren are still living in the State of Michigan. It is known that 2 of the daughters married Byron and Lewis Nelson, their first cousins. It is also known that Leddie Morse married Alma Tyrrell and she was his first cousin and the youngest daughter of Elizabeth Tyrrell.

ELIZABETH (daughter of John Lindsay II) and ROBERT TYRRELL:

Mizabeth was born 1836 in Bytown, Lower Canada, and came to Malahide Township as a young girl with the rest of the families. She married Robert Tyrrell. He was a Baptist minister. They had quite a large family of 9 or 10 children, given names unknown except the youngest daughter, Alma. Part of the family was born in Malahide and then moved to Lakeside, Michigan. He then went as missionary-preacher out in the State of Dakota. After his death, she and part of the family moved back to Michigan. She died in Detroit in 1912, and was buried in Dakota beside her first husband. Part of her family married in the West. Elizabeth Lindsay Tyrrell married Gideon Foster, second husband, and lived in Brown City, Michigan for some years.

She had no family by her second husband.

ANN (daughter of John Lindsay II) and JOHN KINZEY:

Ann Lindsay was born in 1839 at Bytown, Lower Canada.  As a young girl she came with the rest of the family to Malahide Township and later on married John Kinzey of Springfield, Ontario. She and her family moved to Riage-town, Ontario. It is not known how many children she had, but she had one Daughter, Enmerett Kinzy and one son, John. Ann Kinzey died about 1890 at Ridgetown, Ontario and is buried in East Cemetery, Springfield, Ontario. After her death, her husband and family moved to Jackson, Michigan. It is believed all of her family is deceased and probably all of her grandchildren. John Kinzey, Jr. had a son, Emmerson Kinzey, and he may be living somewhere around Clark Lake, Michigan.


William George was born October 31, 1840 in Bytown, Lower Canada, and was brought to Malahide Township as a baby by his father and mother. When he was a young boy in his teens, he used to walk from Springfield, Ontario to Michigan to visit his eldest brother on many occasions. When he was 16, he married Sarah Ann Clark, a Pennsylvania Dutch woman and lived at Corinth, Ontario. They had a family of 9 children. Their names were: Margaret Elizabeth, Rill, Eliza Jane, Martha Ann, Sarah Ellen, George William, Rosie, Lilly and Guy Doris.

Margaret Elizabeth married Sidney Hiliker; Rill married Reed Crosset; Eliza Jane Married Johnny Walker; Martha Ann married George Kennedy; Sarah Ellen married Gordon Walker; George William married Olive Kilmer; Rosie married Herman Woodry; Lilly married Mr. Johnson. Guy Doris died when about 3 years of age. Sarah Ann died about 1887 with cancer.


After Sarah died, he married Maude Best, his second wife.  She had 5 children by her first husband. Willian George raised these children but had no children by Maude.



After Maude died, he married Mizabeth Pappineau. They had 3 children: Fred, Bertha and James. Fred married Lula Charlton, Bertha married Carl Mathews and James died at 9 years of age.

William George Lindsay died about 1921 at the age of 80, and is buried in Aylmer, Ontario, Cemetery. Elizabeth Pappineau died 1931.



James Lindsay was born 1842. He was the first child born to John and Martha Lindsay in Malahide Township. He married Mary Palmer. It is not known whether they were married in Canada or Michigan and it is not known how many children he had, but he had a son, Charles Lindsay, Boyne City, Michigan and William Lindsay, living a few years ago in Independence, Missouri. It is known that James Lindsay married the second time. He and his first family lived in Shellbyville, Michigan. After he married his second wife, he lived in Wayland, Michigan and is probably buried at Wayland, Michigan with his second wife's people.


He was born in 1844, Malahide Township and married Eliza Dunklee from Glen Meyer, Ontario. They had 6 children: Mary, George William, Charles, Estella, Annie Mariah and James Lindsay. Mary Lindsay married Wilbur Smith, George

William married Arvilla Staples, Charles A. married Phebe Ann Cunningham, Estella married Israel Leonard, Annie Mariah married John Cahill, James married Annie Scram. These are  all deceased. The three girls all lived in Detroit, Michigan and the 3 boys in Seattle, Washington. Many of their grandchildren now live in Detroit and Seattle.


He was born June 13, 1847 at Springfield, Ontario, Canada and married Lorinda Foster, born September 29, 1846 in Albany, New York. They were married September 12, 1064• They had 5 children: Mary Emeline, George Washington, Julia Alferatta, Elva Ann and Samuel Edgar.

1 Mary Emeline born at Springfield, Ontario, June 26, 1865; married December 1882 to Minor C. Spencer.


2. George Washington born July 1067, Springfield, Ontario; married Rhoda Moore 1887, moved to Michigan 1075; died Imay City, Michigan 1893.


3. Julia Alferatta, born 1869 at Springfield, Ontario; married George Moore 1892.


4. Elva Ann, born 1875, Springfield, Ontario; married Frank Stapleton 1902.


5. Samuel Edgar, born 1881, Imlay City, Michigan; married Gertrude Smith 1902.

ROBERT HENRY (son of John Lindsay II) LINDSAY:

He was born 1850 in Malahide Township, the last child born to John and Martha Lindsay. He was married twice. His first wife was Mandy McKinney. They had 3 girls: Vesty, Clara and Edith. After his first wife's death, he married Jane Topping. They had 5 children: Ross, Bruce, Garl, Eric and Mabel. All of his family are deceased but some of the grandchildren live in St. Thomas, Ontario, London, Ontario, Toronto, Ontario and Ottawa, Ontario. (This is all the family of John II & Martha Martin Lindsay)


MARGARET ELIZABETH (daughter of Wm. George Lindsay) and SYDNEY HILIKER:

Margaret Mizabeth was born in 1858. She married. Sydney Hiliker. She and her husband drove a team of horses to Lapeer County, Michigan, in 1880. Later they moved and lived the rest of their lifo in Sanilac County. They had a family of 6 children: Willian, Sara, Bert, Archie, Leonard and Viney. Mr. Hiliker died in 1922 and Mrs. Hiliker in 1928 at Marlett, Michigan and are buried in Sandusky, Michigan. They had one daughter (Viney, Mrs. Christoffor Bodamer) still living in Marlette, Michigan.)

RILL (daughter of Wm. George Lindsay) AND RETD CROSSCIT:

The second born was Rill Lindsay. She married Reed Crossett. They had 3 children: 2 of whom died in Canada before they moved to Michigan. They lived in later years near Cass City. Her husband died about 1914 and she died in 192l. All of her family and grandchildren are deceased, but she has 4 great grandchildren living near Saginaw, Michigan.

ELIZA JANE (daughter of Wn. George Lindsay AND JOHNNY WALKER:

Miza Jane was the third born. She married Johnny Walker, a native of Avon, Ontario. They drove a team of horses to Michigan and lived in Old Brockway. She had 6 children: Tom, Lowis, Lee, Ethel, Bertha and Cora. Corie married Roy Hastman. Roy became an active minister in the Church of The Nazarene, served thore for many years and is now retired from full-time ministry. They are still living, in Keego Harbour, Michigan. They had 2 daughters.  Both are married and living in the States.


MARTHA ANN (daughter of Wn. George Lindsay AND GEORGE KENNEDY:

Martha Ann was the fourth born. She married George Kennedy. She and her husband walked to Michigan on their honeymoon. This was in the wintor. When they arrived at Sarnia, he was carrying a large grip which he put on his shoulder, unbuttoned his overcoat, and she took ahold of his coat, and they walked across the river on the ice. They settled in Burnside, Laper County, Michigan, lator moving to Sanilac County where she died when her third child was born. After her death, her husband married a second tim. They had one daughter who is still living in Flint, Michigan. Two girls, Libby and Gracie, grew up and lived around Marlette and Sandusky. Libby married Wm. Chisan. Gracie married a Mr. Franks. Both are deceased, but many of their children live around Marlotte, Saginaw and Midland, Michigan.

SARAH ELLEN (daughter of Wm. George Lindsay) AND GORDON WALKER

The fifth born was Sarah Hien Lindsay. She married Gordon Walker, a brother to Johnny Walker, Miza Jane Lindsay's husband. They had two boys, names unknown. Both may still be living somewhere around Cairo, Michigan. Sarah Mlen died suddenly years ago and Gordon married a second time.

ROSIE (daughter of Wn. George Lindsay) AND HERMAN WOODRY:


She married Herman Woodry. Ho was an Auctioneer, a native of Brownsville, Ontario and later yoars they moved to Saskatchawan, then to Prince Albert, Sask.; then to Salem, Oregon where he died. Their daughter, Buelah, now Mrs. Dennis Farroll, resides at: 5201 Pacific Ave., Long Beach, California. They also had a son, Russoll, who was also an Auctioneer and died very suddenly a few years ago in Glendale, California.

LILLY daughter of Wm. George Lindsay AND MR. JOHNSON:

She was married and lived in Laurel, Michigan. She had one daughter and one son, Ernest Johnson, still living somewhere around Detroit, Michigan. Their daughter, Mrs. Jamos Peterson, lives on Yale Road, Yale, Michigan.


George William married Olive Kilmer and they had 11 children.

1. Cora, born 1893, married Wosley Marshall.

2. Florence, born 1894, married Harold Greenwood.

3. Ernest, born 1896, married Ida May Ketchapaw.

4. Frank, born 1900, married Marie Nelson.
5. Olive, born 1902, married Harvey Ovens.

6. Charles, born 1904, married Innie May Marshall (Sister of Wesley Marshall).

7. Audrey, born 1907, married Fred Bradley.

8. Melvin, born 1910, married Erie Brackenbury.

9. Maurice, born 1912; singlc.

10. Victor, born 1913, married Edith Silverthorne.

11. George, born 1916, died at 6 months.

FRED (son of Wm. Goorge Lindsay) and LULA CHARLTON LINDSAY:

Fred Lindsay married Lula Charlton and they had 2 children.

  1. Margaret, born 1926, married Arthur Perry.

  2. Charlton; married Shirley Dillan.

Lula died in 1964 and was buried in Aylmer. Fred Lindsay is still living in Woodstock, Ontario.

CARL AND BERTHA LINDSAY (daughter of Wn. George Lindsay) MATHEW:

Bertha Lindsay married Carl Mathews and they had 8 children. Names: Max, Donna, Gregory, Joan, Lorna, Paul, Diane and David. Carl died February 1965.

JAMES (son of Wn. George) LINDSAY:

James, the last son of Wm. George Lindsay died at the age of 9.(This is all the family of Wn. George and Sarah Ann

Clark Lindsay, and Elizabeth Pappineau Lindsay).



MARGARET (daughter of Fred Lindsay) AND ARTHUR PERRY:


Margaret Lindsay married Arthur Perry and they have 1 son, David Perry, who lives in Shedden, Ontario.


Charlton Lindsay married Shirley Dillan and they had 7 children: Bob, Bill, Gale, Susan, ingela, Donna Jean and John Charles. They reside at: 30 Park Ave. E., Chathan, Ontario.


CORA (daughter of George William Lindsay) AND WESLEY MARSHALL:

Cora Lindsay married Wesley Marshall and they have 3 children.

  1. Verna, born 1918, married Sidney Collins, living in Hamilton, Ontario.

  2. Gordon, born 1922, single, living in Aylmer, Ontario.

  3. Lloyd, born 1926, married Irene Trent, living in Aylmer, Ontario.

FLORENCE (daughter of Georgo William Lindsay) AND HAROLD GREENWOOD:

Floronce Lindsay married Harold Greenwood and they had 4 children.

  1. Harry, born 1914, single.

  2. John, born 1916, married Loraine McLean.

  3. Gorge Wesloy, born 1918, married Annetta Knott (died 1952), ro-married Jackic Clark.

  4. Gladys, born 1924, married Ray Andorson.


Ernost Lindsay married Ida May Ketchapaw and they had 2 children.

  1. Maxwoll, born 1918, married Mary Chute.

  2. Doreen, born 1925


Frank Lindsay marrica Maric Nolson and they had 4 children.

1. Donald, born 1923, married Joan Fordham, later Kathleen Frooman.

2. Helen, born 1925, married Donald Small.

3. Marian, born 1907, earriod Tacon Iearn (diod 1946); re-married to Leo

4. Ross, born Jan. 20th, 1936, married Dorothy Turrill.


OLIVE (daughter of George William Lindsay) AND HARVEY OVENS:

Olive Lindsay married Harvoy Ovens and they had 2 children: Frank and Douglas. Frank, born july 6, 1941 and Douglas, born November 29, 1942. Frank died in 1951. Douglas married Edna Ryan of Lucan, Ontario, July 1966.


Charles Lindsay married Annie May Marshall and they had 3 children.

  1. Raymond, born 1929, married Beverly McIntosh.

  2. George, born 1932, married June Klotzbach.

  3. Shirley, born 1937, married Loroy Davis.

AUDREY (daughter of George William Lindsay) AND FRED BRADLEY:

Audrey Lindsay married Fred Bradloy and they had 1 child.

1. Emmerson, married Carol Mgie.


Melvin Lindsay married Eric Brackenbury and they had two children:

  1. Marilyn, born 1937, married Robort Gillott.

  2. Kenneth, born 1941, married Sandra Pearson.


Victor Lindsay married Edith Silverthorne. They had 2 children.

  1. Mary Kathryn, born 1949.

  2. Carol Charlone, born 1962.

MAURICE LINDSAY (son of George William):

Maurice is single.

GEORGE MCGILLVERY (son of George William) LINDSAY:

Born March 1916 - died shortly afterwards.



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